Machine Specific dotfiles Config

Machine specific dotfiles config is configured via chezmoi templates. This currently only applies to bashrc files.

We have a dot-bash/symlink_bashrc-custom-machine.tmpl template file in our source directory. This file will exist in the desitnation directory as a regular symlink named dot-bash/bashrc-custom-machine.

This symlink is sourced in our dot-bash/profile as follows

source_script "$HOME/dot-bash/bashrc-custom-machine"

The content of this template file determines where it points to. Currently it contains the following template

bashrc-custom-{{ .chezmoi.hostname }}_{{ }}_{{ .chezmoi.osRelease.versionID }}

The symlink in the destination directory points to the resolved file name based on the values of those template variables. On my personal laptop, inside WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04, this resolves to the following name:


This means that we have the following link available on my personal laptop

$ ls -l dot-bash/bashrc-custom-machine
lrwxrwxrwx 1 vvnraman vvnraman 40 May 10 22:04 dot-bash/bashrc-custom-machine -> bashrc-custom-USH-LP19-RIX1_ubuntu_20.04

This allows us to have custom configuration in this file without affecting how the dotfiles affects the other machines where they get cloned.